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Lash Adhesives - The Struggle is REAL!

by Michelle Rath on October 09, 2021

Sinful Lashes creates our lash adhesives from start to finish and we know everything that’s in our bottles.

We start by using the highest quality ingredients so ours are balanced lash adhesives that have low fumes, are fast setting and have longer retention.


Lash Adhesives 411!


All Sinful Lashes lash adhesives are latex free.



Is there such a thing formaldehyde free lash adhesives? Trace amounts of formaldehyde naturally occur as lash adhesives degrades over time. The formaldehyde level in Sinful Lashes lash adhesives is not measurable as it is not detectable in tests that measure formaldehyde.


Shelf Life

Sinful Lashes receives our lash adhesives shipments every 2 weeks which means they are always fresh. This is why  we don’t sell on Amazon. Having our lash adhesives sit in a warm warehouse for months can degrade the quality immensely.

You can store unopened lash adhesives up to 3 months but we recommend storing unopened AND opened lash adhesives in a cosmetic fridge (not a regular fridge).

We have found that  opened lash adhesives will last a solid 6 weeks if stored in a cosmetic fridge where the walls cool down and DOES not blow cold air. If you don’t have one it’s best to store your opened lash adhesives in the box with silica pack and foil pouch it comes in, store in a cool dry place for up to 4 weeks.

Michelle uses this Mini Beauty fridge by FaceTory from Amazon $89


Setting Speed

Knowing your setting speed is really important for getting the best bond. We have that information  for you!

  • Black Diamond 1-2 seconds
  • Gold Topaz 1-2 seconds
  • Red Ruby 1-2 seconds
  • Girl Next Door 1-1.5 seconds
  • Femme Fatale .5-1 seconds



How lash adhesives work within your environment is a complicated issue. But to simplify, it comes down to the grade of cyanoacrylate and the amount moisture in the bottle.

Let us help you choose your bestie.

  • Black Diamond-High humidity 55-75%
  • Red Ruby-Ideal Humidity 40-55%
  • Girl Next Door-Flexible Humidity range. 35-70%
  • Femme Fatale-Flexible Humidity range. 35-70%

Happy Lashing!

You can check out all of our lash adhesives here.